Annual Reports
Financial Audit Summaries
International Aid Transparency Initiative
In 2015 ACROSScommits to the concept of OPEN DATA. As part of this commitment, ACROSS is publishing project data in an IATI-compliant way. ACROSS will begin publishing IATI compliant project data as from February 2015, starting with aUKAID funded Girls’ Education Challenge project in South Sudan that is a joint partnership with Red een Kind (Help a Child). ACROSS will initially publish data that needs to be published.
The Lead organization in South Sudan is Red Een Kind (ReK) and the key partner organization is ACROSS. The education focus is on lower and upper primary. Target location is Rumbek East County in 25 schools. The impact on learning targets 12,336 marginalized girls.
ACROSS complies with Red een Kind’s belief in sharing information and knowledge in order to make cooperation easier. ACROSS therefore commits to publish financial data.
The data to be published will be in keeping with the implementation schedule
ACROSS ensures to publish all required information unless there is a clear reason in line with the Exclusion Policy in which case such information will not be published